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Why is social sustainability important? 

8 reasons … and an invitation for you

This site is all about social sustainability. But what is social sustainability, and why does it matter? Let's take each of those questions in turn:

cartoon of two people talking

What is social sustainability?

Social sustainability means the human and social aspects of sustainability

This includes:

>> what the social and psychological impacts of climate change are

>> why our societies find it hard to let go of high-consuming habits

>> how we can all help make our society fairer and more sustainable

I'm writing an article on the social pillar of sustainability, and my three-element framework above. My newsletter is the best way to hear when new articles go live.

And, why does social sustainability matter?

cartoon of person choosing which door to enter

Exploring social sustainability can be useful for anyone who wants to take action on climate change. This includes: green career seekers; activists; business owners; national and local government; students and researchers; families; community groups; and global citizens

How is social sustainability useful to each of these groups, and how can it be useful to you? Here are my top eight highlights, explaining how social sustainability can help us. Read on to find out how social sustainability...

  1. ... teaches people-skills for tricky problems
  2. ... motivates us to act on climate change
  3. ... enables businesses to make positive impacts
  4. ... helps green policies succeed in practice
  5. ... is an active and meaningful area of study
  6. ... can connect us with people we care about, on climate
  7. ... shows us how to work together more effectively
  8. ... supports better understanding of different societies

And more!

1. Why is social sustainability important for green careers?

Answer: social sustainability teaches people-skills for tricky problems 


Are you interested in developing a career related to climate change? It can be a fulfilling and meaningful area to work in.

If so, then gaining skills related to social sustainability can be useful, because everything related to climate change comes back to people (in my experience!).

Sustainability provokes quite complex responses, so the people-skills you need for a green career go beyond ‘everyday’ business ones, and include things like: emotional intelligence, facilitation, and conflict management.

2. Why is social sustainability important for activists and not-for-profits? 

Answer: social sustainability motivates people to act on climate change 


Maybe you already work or volunteer in sustainability. If so, you might be interested to know that it’s often social issues which motivate people to take big action on climate change (more than environmental issues).

By understanding the social impacts of climate change, campaigns can connect more successfully. In addition, lessons from social sustainability can help you identify what support people need in order to be able to take action, and help you provide it for them

3. Why is social sustainability important for businesses who care about climate?

Answer: social sustainability enables businesses to make positive impacts


It isn't just not-for-profits who care about climate change, many traditional businesses do, and want to be able to demonstrate this. Lots of business owners want their company to be a force for good in the world.

A business which takes social sustainability seriously can learn how to improve the human impacts of its business choices as well as be supportive of employees who want to be greener.

Ultimately, good business is often about good people skills: working with people, working for people, understanding people’s needs, and that’s also what social sustainability is about.

4. Why is social sustainability important for national and local governments?

Answer: social sustainability helps green policies succeed in practice


Many people work in local and national government, and most of them aren’t politicians. Local governments across the world are working hard to help future-proof their communities. Housing, transport, and waste are three key things they often have responsibility for improving.

But how do you bring different people together around new solutions? This is a very big challenge.

Often, decisions are made before really seeking input from local communities. This can mean policies fall apart because people don’t participate in the ways expected. Understanding social sustainability can help governments improve the success of green policies.

5. Why is social sustainability important for students and researchers?

Answer: social sustainability is an active and meaningful area of study


Tackling climate change doesn’t just need new technologies. We need better social solutions that work in specific contexts.

To achieve this, it’s important people are studying and researching topics related to social sustainability. In addition, these are really interesting areas to get your teeth into with a lot of scope for making a contribution!

If you are currently doing a degree, you might be interested in exploring relevant topics to focus on for your dissertation. Or if you are an academic working in any area of climate change, you may find social sustainability has insights which are useful for your work.

6. Why is social sustainability important for families (and beyond)?

Answer: social sustainability can connect us with people we care about, on climate


I know quite a few people who have family or friends who feel overwhelmed about the state of the world, and the future we face. Naturally they want to help support them, but may not know where to start.

Conversely, if you encounter large differences with loved ones on this subject, you may want new ways to talk about climate change, for your own wellbeing!

Social sustainability can help us learn how to do both of these things in a thoughtful way.

We can also learn a lot from looking at how a supportive family operates – treating individuals fairly, celebrating everyone’s talents, and working to achieve positive outcomes for the whole group – to help work out how a greener society can operate. 

7. Why is social sustainability important for local community groups?

Answer: social sustainability shows us how to work together more effectively


If social sustainability is one of the keys to addressing climate change, then local groups are the key to achieving social sustainability. This includes faith groups, schools, hobby groups, and many more. Many groups do want to act on climate change but don’t necessarily know how… this website aims to help you take group action!

Because individuals within local communities know these groups best, they are also the most likely to be successful in their efforts; no one else from ‘outside’ will understand all the dynamics as well as they do.

8. Why is social sustainability important for global citizens?

Answer: social sustainability supports better understanding of different societies


People who have family spread across the world, or who have lived in multiple locations, have an important perspective on climate change. The learning that comes from experiencing different cultures, as well as concern about potential impacts on family and friends across the globe, often brings a strong motivation to help achieve green change.

It can also be easier to see that ‘things could be done differently’ when you have experience of living in different places, and this is a really important contribution to social sustainability.

And finally…

9. Why is social sustainability important for you?

This one I can’t answer directly because... it depends! Did any of the above touch on aspects of your own life? Do you feel more connected to social sustainability in your professional or your personal life, or both?

If you would like to tell me your own thoughts, I invite you to complete the form below. I will display a range of responses on this page.

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Here's a visual summary of the points above:

drawing of flower with text on the petals

Thank you for reading, and do visit again to explore future resources in all these areas.


I'm Rosie and you can read more about me here.